Sunday 25 January 2015

My Crafty Beginnings

I learnt to knit first, it was the beginning of my adventure with craft, I was about 5 years old and I bet if my grandmother had realised that I was left handed she wouldn't have been so quick to offer. Next I learnt tapestry on that plastic canvas that you can still buy, my Aunty Gay taught me that. From then on there was no stopping me!

These days I am proficient in many crafts, but my main pleasures are:
Patchwork (I prefer hand piecing for personal items but use the machine for kids quilts)

Quilting (again I prefer hand work but will machine quilt for less precious items)

Embroidery (my Aunty Gay gave me a hand learning this after the plastic tapestry lessons, since then I have learnt from books with some classes in Hardanger)

Parchment Craft was a split second decision when I spotted a starter kit with a wet and cold weekend looming ahead of me. Now I am a registered teacher and have had patterns published in Parchment Craft Magazine.

                                                      A PARCHMENT CRAFT CARD

Knitting and Crochet, what can I say....easy to do when watching a movie and they keep me toasty warm in winter.

Bobbin Lace, my newest craft and possibly the hardest. I owe this talent to a patient and knowledgable lady called Helen. She gave up many an afternoon teaching me to 'cross and twist' in the correct order.

I used to sew clothes when I was younger but this dwindled away with the advent of mass produced and therefor cheap clothing however I have had my interest renewed by a stall at a local market. The
stall sells retro items from the 50's (I am the proud owner of the grooviest LP Record drink coasters!) and her clothing was fabulous, Betty boop t-shirts, a-line aprons and high waisted pencil skirts! I can see myself whipping up some one-of-a-kind outfits in styles not seen for many years!

My current project is these Amigurumi mushrooms, I like that they are quick to make and can be used for many different things, I currently have them adorning my coffee table nestled amongst leaves and twigs, however the next baby born can expect a multi coloured mushroom mobile!

MY FLOWERED MUSHROOMS - The crochet pattern is available as a downloadable file from my Etsy shop called My Gorgeous Home

With an unseasonal wet and cold weekend ahead of me I think it is time to snuggle up with my next project!

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